Saturday, October 7, 2017

Amanda Ruller Loves Johngy's Beat

Canada native Amanda Ruller attended the University of Regina, starring in Track and Field, while earning a degree in Kinesiology.  She won a bunch of titles, such as Miss Southern Saskatchewan and also played running back for the Legends Football League's Los Angeles Temptation.
Recently, Amanda was kind enough to send a shout out to Johngy's Beat.  This instantly became one of my favorites. Amanda's personality and spirit really come across.  I appreciate it greatly.  The video is below and also takes a spot in the promos column on the left.
I encourage everyone to check out for lots of cool Amanda stuff, including her blog, recipes and other fun.  You can also follow Amanda on twitter.
Thanks again to Amanda.  I am happy to have you on the Johngy bandwagon!

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