Happy New Year!
At Mt. Carmel High School, I took 4 years of German. It wasn't so much that I loved the language, but more that I liked the 'A' that I figured to get each semester. That strategy worked quite well.
As a matter of fact, Ed Mann and I won the medals for top German students. (Okay, technically I won the medal and Eddie took second, but we called ourselves 'the co-medal winners'). Strangely, there was a couch outside of the classroom (I think it was there for the Guidance Counselor's office across the hall). Ed and I dubbed it "the medal winners' couch", as we sat there, while others stood, waiting for our German classroom to open.
Ed was one of my best friends, although we have since lost contact, unfortunately. Greg Nessinger was another good friend and German student, but he wasn't as lucky in the class as Ed and I. I swear, one time we had to translate a short story. Greg's work and mine were virtually identical, yet somehow I got an 'A' and he got a 'C'. I guess it wasn't too funny to Greg back then, but Ed and I found it hysterical. Since Greg and I have remained in some contact, maybe he will read this and let me know if he finds it funny now years later. Hey, there wouldn't have been enough room on the medal winners' couch for 3 of us anyway.
I have no idea what our former teacher Andy Livingston is doing these days. He probably was only about ten years older than us. I am guessing he is teaching and coaching football somewhere.
I still remember some of my German, although the years and lack of use have started to erode it. One phrase that will always remain with me for whatever reason is an appropriate one to start the new year.
Und Glückliches Neujahr!
Ja ist es das sehr komische Bekommen eines C auf einem Papier, an dem ich wirklich hart arbeitete. Ich denke deshalb, dass ich amerikanisches Bier statt deutschen Bieres trinke.
Thanks for stopping by and for making me work to translate your response. Over the 25 years, I have lost some of the knowledge.
Tonight, a friday night, I am sitting with my daughter helping her with her first German class (on line).
You're helping her? Oh dear. Call me if she ever needs real help. (I did win the German medal, you know.)
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