My family loves this site and I am sure they all read it daily. Every one of them is always on the lookout for a Friendly Encounter. My nephew Matt Parker is the king of Friendly Encounters, but today, I am featuring his parents, Jean and Scott.
Jean and Scott are real global travelers (sorry, cheap plug for one of my employers, Global Traveler magazine, the industry's #1 source for travel and business information). One of their 2010 excursions brought them to southern Illinois, where they encountered the Man of Steel, Superman.
Regular readers might say that this is a stretch and usually only Nancy gets away with stretching the definition of meeting a "celebrity". That is probably true, but it's my site and I set (and blur) the rules. Therefore the picture qualifies. Besides, how often can you get a picture with a Superhero who is twice your size? The only thing better would have been if it was Aquaman!
Jean and Scott Parker with Superman in southern, IL-Summer 2010.
I always feel honored when I get on your blog! We keep a lookout always for celebrity opportunities!
I agree with Jean, we feel honored to be mentioned in your blog. If in our travels we just happen to see an unoccupied coke truck and go in the drivers seat to take a pic to send to you in hopes of making your day.
I've to downtown Metropolis IL a few times to see Superman BUT it was mainly to play. They have a sweet riverboat casino anchored on the Ohio River there.
Superman and dice....they have it all :-)
Boone76-Ron, Swede and Jason have already made appearances here. It is time for the rest of the Booners to get some sort of celebrity picture and get on here!
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