Friday, November 4, 2011

On the Beat with Beck Seashols

Beck Seashols describes herself as a "doodler, story teller and dork".  That screamed out to me and I had to meet her at the recent Wizard World event in Columbus (OH).  Beck was gracious enough to give us a few minutes of her time.
Beck has done cool drawings of subjects including female superheros (like Batgirl, my favorite), cute children, Star Wars characters and a lot of other topics.  Beck's website is self-billed as "the cutest place on the internet" and I have to agree with that claim!  Her work is precious without being sappy.  My sister Nancy (who doubled as my videographer) was so impressed that she bought one of Beck's books.  Beck is always ready to do commissioned art work, too!
We talked about her drawing, the convention and more.  It was such a pleasure meeting Beck and seeing her work firsthand.  Hopefully, we will see Beck at a convention in the future and get more updates from her!
Until then, but after you watch the video below, check out and Beck's Facebook page to learn more about Beck Seashols and to see all of her fantastic creations.


Beckadoodles said...

Looks great John, it was a pleasure meeting you and your sister. Thank you so much for taking your time to meet me and talk about my art! Good luck with all your future interviews! ((hugs))

Novi Nick said...

I saw her at the Ohio con. She does great work and I bought one of her sketches for my little girl. I know it is hard to figure what subjects to draw, but I wish she had a bigger selection of sketch cards.

Jessica said...

Her artwork is very cool.