Monday, February 20, 2012

Friendly Encounters:Tom Kirlin Meets the Thomas Nicholas Band

This is a regular feature about friends who have met celebs.

I came across Tom Kirlin thanks to Milena Matic, my childhood friend who is an awesome artist (check out her site  Tom is the creator of The Pancakes and Booze Art Show, which debuted in 2008 when Tom was working as a cameraman in Hollywood.
Tom was feeling a bit burned out by the long hours on the job.  He came up with the idea to create an art, alcohol and pancake event for a friend.  The idea was a hit and The Pancake and Booze Art Show has been growing ever since.  He already has scheduled the event in seven cities and six more are tentative (please come to Chicago).  The first event is March 2-3 in San Francisco, CA.  This video gives you a little peek at the show.
Artists and art patrons flock to the Booze and Pancake Art Show.  There are art pieces for every budget.  There is live music, body painters, sculptors. dancing and more.  Did I mention the pancakes and booze?  It's a winning combination.
For the exhibitors, it is about displaying their work, creating a buzz and selling creations.  For the attendees, it is about finding cool pieces or simply having a good time.
Tom met with Thomas Ian Nicholas and his band at a show a couple years ago.  Nicholas has grown from a child actor to a multi-talented performer.  I see the Booze and Pancake Show experiencing similar growth over the next few years.  Hopefully, I will experience a show firsthand at some point.
I appreciate Tom for sharing his story and his picture.  I encourage everyone to go to to get more info about this unique event!
Thai Long Ly, Tom Kirlin, Shay Godwin, Thomas Nicholas and James Weston in -July 2009.

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