Monday, June 10, 2013

Friendly Encounters: Nancy Blais Meets Fonzie

This is a weekly series about my friends who have met celebrities.

My sister Nancy is cool.  Don't just take my word for it.  Ask Fonzie.  Yes, Fonzie, better known as Arthur Fonzarelli, the former Mickey Mantle of the grease pits, the man who really did "jump the shark."
Oh sure.  People can pretend to be "cool" now by knocking the old Happy Days tv show, but I am not buying it.  I admit that I watched that show religiously.  I bet you did, too.
On a recent trip to Milwaukee (which comes from the Algonquin and means "the good land"), Nanc ran into the man who exuded cool.  Nanc ran into the Fonz!
As you can clearly see, the Fonz gave Nanc two thumb's up!  That is high praise from Fonzie, but Nancy does deserve it.
Nanc always looks out for me when a celebrity photo op is around.  Okay, perhaps this "Fonz" isn't quite as animated as Henry Winkler would be, but that does not prevent me from making this a Friendly Encounter!
Thanks Nancy and as Fonzie would say, "Aaaayyyyyyyyeeeeee!"
Nancy Blais and Fonzie in Milwaukee, WI-May 2013.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anything for the best brother in the world! Love ya,
