Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Looking Ahead to C2E2

The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo is coming and I can't wait.  Held at McCormick Place each spring, C2E2 is a huge event.
I have met a ton of celebrities at C2E2 and have done many interviews.  Those interviews can be found at the Johngy's Beat C2E2 playlist on YouTube.  This year will be no different.  I will meet and interview celebs of all sorts.
C2E2 is a huge convention, but it is still completely fan-friendly and manageable.  It has not gotten out of control and it shows no signs of that happening.
You don't have to be a fan of anything specific to enjoy C2E2.  Their guests cover a vast array of genres.  The vendors sell everything possible in pop culture.  The fans come in very creative costumes.  Some people just come to hang out and soak in the fun.  Either way, you can't walk away from C2E2 without having a good time.
I hope to see many of you out there.  For more information, please check out
Matt Parker and me in Chicago, IL-April 2014.

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