Russell Lissau is a staff writer at The Daily Herald. More relative to the world of pop culture, he is also a comic book writer. Actually, as a teenager, those two jobs would have been my dream combination.
Writing for comic books is a challenging and often thankless job. The brilliant artwork overshadows the writing and certainly gets more exposure. At comic cons, the artist booths are filled with colorful, larger-than-life artwork. What can comic book writers do in their booths? It's hard to promote the writing, but it is obviously a vital part of every comic book. Among his credits, he has written many issues of The Batman Strikes.
One of his projects that really fascinates me is Old Wounds, a comic book published a couple years ago. Lissau, along with artist John Bivens, create a story showing the after-effects of a superhero's life of crime-fighting. It is unique and fresh to look at the later life consequences of being a superhero.
I met Lissau at Wizard World Chicago 2017, where he was busy meeting his fans and doing the usual comic con business. I look forward to talking to him more at convention this year.
You can read Lissau on The Daily Herald website. You can also follow Lissau on twitter. His twitter feed is an interesting combination of news stories, comics and other fun stuff.
Russell Lissau and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2017.
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