The new episode of The "Or Else" podcast is up on Soundcloud and we are very excited to have our first guest on the show. Colonel Jesse Corgan joined us to lend his uniwue insight into Resistance Pro.
I liked the concept of Jesse joining us for the episode for a lot of reasons. Jesse is a great guy and a friend, but also as Billy's brother, I felt he had a similar experience as Tommy. They both faced a bit of resentment at not "earning" their place. I don't agree with that mindset, but I some people did feel that Tommy and Jesse did not "pay their dues" to land their spot on the card.
As has been previously discussed, Tommy earned a spot on an RPro show via an open audition. One show turned into a six year run with RPro. He earned his permanent place on the roster through hard work in and out of the ring. He was one of the most popular wrestlers in RPro.
Jesse got his first spot in RPro because of Billy, but he, too, earned a more regular role. Jesse worked hard to improve every aspect of his performance. We had a lot of fun with him repeatedly declining my interview requests and he came up with some of the ideas for those bits. I know he sought out advice in and out of RPro.
Neither Tommy nor Jesse would have kept a spot in RPro if they did not deserve it. Both were true professionals. Both were determined to improve. Also, both got over with the fans.
Jesse had some interesting thoughts when he joined us for podcast. In typical Jesse fashion, he worried that he would do okay on the episode, which was unnecessary, because we knew he would do great and he did! He gave us everything we wanted and more. Well done, Jesse!
You can listen to all of the "Or Else" podcast episodes at The Or Else Podcast on Soundcloud. You can also go directly to Episode 6 Special Forces With Special Guest Col. Jesse Corgan.
Jesse Anderson and me in Merrionette Park, IL-February 2014.
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