I had been in the Aw Yeah Comics store in Skokie several times (usually looking for Aquaman comics or other related stuff). I didn't realize that comic artist Art Baltazar was the owner. (Yes, my reporter skills sometimes betray me). I finally figured it out when I saw his booth at a comic con a few years ago (better late than never).
When I saw Art would be at C2E2 2018, I contacted him about an interview and he replied that we "would make history." I looked forward to learning more about this talented character.
Art talked to us about his start in comics creations, his career, creating his own characters and more. Although he is completely humble, you can feel the joy he has for his work.
One bit really stood out. Having his work rejected by some companies, Art would eventually be on the receiving end as companies called him about his characters. He tells that story not out of vengeance, but more out of almost a kid-like glee. It is great to see that sort of passion and enthusiasm. It's a great story of not giving up, believing in yourself and the ultimate achievement and Art deserves it all and to be proud of it all.
I really enjoyed talking to Art and I hope to talk to him more in the future (that's fair warning, Art!). I had a lot more questions, about his work and the industry, but I don't like taking up too much of an artist's time at the comic cons and I also like learning bits and pieces over the years.
Check out ArtBaltazar.com to learn more about Art. Besides being insanely informative, it is wildly fun (much like Art). You can also follow Art on Facebook and Art on twitter to get quick updates and random thoughts.
I want to thank Art for his time and consideration. I'm not sure if we made history, but I had a great time with him. Thanks, also, to C2E2 for the opportunity!
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