Shannon Elizabeth is probably best known for her role in American Pie. That alone earned her a permanent spot on the convention circuit. It also helps that she is very fan friendly at these events. I'm sure twenty years from now, she will still be in demand on the con scene because of that role.
Early in life, she considered a career as a tennis player. She has also done modeling, in addition to playing on the Professional Poker circuit for a while.
She has remained active since her big role, although not matching the success of that movie. Still, careers have been built on a lot less than that.
Now in her mid 40's, she is still as beautiful as ever. It will be interesting to see if she starts getting more "mother" roles and if her career develops that way. She's nowhere near the "grandma shawl" stage, but she might be in a transition stage to more mature roles soon.
Shannon Elizabeth and me in Schaumburg, IL-November 2016.
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