Motor City Comic Con is coming to Novi, MI May 17-19. While I look forward to three days of fun, I am looking back at some of my favorite times over my many years at MCCC.
Artist Sara Richard is one of my favorite people I have met at any convention. Immensely talented, funny and fascinating, Sara is simply the best.
Her creations are so light and flowing. I literally get lost in them every time I see them at cons or online. I have written many times about Sara's version of the Johngy character which hangs in my home and also her book (with Franco) The Ghost, The Owl.
I recently discovered another piece she did. How I missed it previously is a mystery to me. Aquaman is always the first thing I seek at any artist's booth. Sara even did the old school Aquaman! Once again Sara has raised my level of appreciation for her.
If I sound like a fanboy, I make no apologies. There is a reason why is is one of the most popular creator guests at any convention and why she has worked with some of the biggest companies. She has such passion for her work and for life in general. If you get a chance to talk to her, ask her about dinosaurs, tombstone-cleaning, snapping turtles and drawing owls. Just don't mention centipedes, as she claims to be terrified of them.
Sara has already been announced as an artist guest at this year's MCCC and I look forward to seeing her and catching up with her. I have interviewed Sara several times and she always has something new to say. Of course, I will be getting an update interview, talking about her book and other new projects.
You can get more info on Sara and her beautiful work at Be sure to go to for all of the info and scheduling.
Sara Richard and me in Novi, MI-May 2017.
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