Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Austin and Billy Gunn at Wizard World Chicago 2018

Wizard World is coming to the Chicago area August 22-25. I'll be "On the Beat" there, but for now, I am recalling some of my memories from past Wizard World events.
Billy Gunn has had an interesting career in the wrestling ring. He started out as part of the Smoking Gunns, a cowboy tag team who won the WWF tag titles. He briefly tagged with Greg Valentine as Rhythm and Blues, but found his real success as part of DX.
As the Bad A$$, Gunn tagged with The Road Dog Jesse James as the New Age Outlaws, 5x WWF tag team champs and later another tag title in the WWE. D-Generation X was such a huge part of the highly successful Attitude Era in the WWF.
At the recent Wizard World, I met Gunn again, but I also met the second generation Gunn, Austin (Sopp). A bit smaller than his famous father, Austin has the look and is in training to learn more. I'm sure proud papa Billy is helping with all aspects of his game.
I had to get a pic with both generations. I think Austin will go far and meeting him might be more challenging in the future.
Check out for more info and schedules. You can also check here for recurring coverage year round.
Austin Gunn, Billy Gunn and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2018.

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