Sunday, March 29, 2020

Cards That Never Were: Ed Giacomin Topps 1978-79

Cards That Never Were is a recurring series in which I create virtual trading cards for players missed in various sets. It is a concept I have borrowed from far too many to list, but I appreciate all of their efforts. Many creations (not just baseball) of others can be found on the Custom Baseball Cards Facebook group.
Goalie Ed Giacomin made his NHL debut with the New York Rangers in the 1965-66 season. Near the end of the 1975-76 season, Giacomin was traded to the Detroit Red Wings. He retired after the 1977-78 season. He was inducted into the Hockey Hal of Fame in 1987.
For his efforts, Giacomin received cards from the 1965-66 Topps set through the 1977-78 set. After appearing in only three games in his last season, it is understandable that Topps did not ssue a card for Giacomin in the 1978-79 set. Of course, I felt Giacomin needed a "career capper" card to honor his career.

1 comment:

Brett Alan said...