Thursday, January 19, 2023

Jim Ross at New York Comic Con 2021

Jim Ross started working in wrestling in 1974. Starting as a ref, he moved into broadcasting a few years later and became an institution behind the mic. Good Ol' JR carved out a Hall of Fame career in the NWA, WCW, WWE and now All Elite Wrestling.
Ross had been on my list for a long time, before I finally met him at the New York Comic Con at Michael Kingston's Headlocked booth. Ross was just one of many wrestling stars Kingston brought in to his booth, but he might be the biggest. A true wrestling legend, Ross deserves to be on the Mt. Rushmore of broadcasters. 
I always say events like NYCC are great places to meet wrestlers. The lines are usually shorter than at wrestling conventions and you get a little extra time with the legends. Such was the case with Ross. I got to talk to him about his famous barbeque sauce and his time broadcasting college and pro football.
Go to for more info on JR and AEW.. Check for updates and scheduling on NYCC.
Jim Ross and me in New York, NY-October 2021.

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