Friday, July 28, 2023

Velvet Sky and Angelina Love at the Squared Circle Expo

Unbelievably, the Squared Circle Expo IV is already on my calendar. Running March 29-30 in Indianapolis, IN, SCX IV promises to be even better than the others.

In just three events, SCX has become one of the best wrestling conventions, if not THE best. Each year SCX has gotten better, despite having a high bar to reach. SCX features about 60 legendary and current wrestlers, dozens of vendors, Q&As, panels and two wrestling shows.

That seems like a lot, but somehow I have managed to do it all within the two days. That speaks of how well organized it is by the promoters. Virtually all year, the promoters are active on social media providing info and updates. In the end, it is one of te smoothest conventions of any sort I have attended.

At SCX II, I had the pleasure of catching up with Velvet Sky and Angelina Love. I specifically want to stress we really did catch up. The Beautiful People spent real time talking to me and everyone else. All the wrestlers spend as much time as they can with each fan. Somehow, the promoters always get wrestlers who want to make it a great experience. I applaud the promoters and the wrestlers.

Go to for more info on SCX III. Check back here for my recurring coverage and updates. I will certainly be "On the Beat" as always at SCX IV.

Velvet Sky, Angelina Love and me in Indianapolis, IN-April 2022.

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