Sunday, August 6, 2023

Celebrity Jersey Cards #647 Helen Maroulis & Michael Phelps

Celebrity Jersey Cards is a weekly series in which I create virtual trading cards for celebrities wearing sports jerseys. Today, I continue my season-long alphabetical journey through all Major League Baseball teams.

Rockville, MD native Helen Maroulis is a free-style wrestler. She is the first American to win a gold medal in women's freestyle wrestling in the Olympics. She also won gold and many other medals at various other international events. I wonder if the WWE has its eye on her? All eyes in Baltimor were on her as she threw a ceremonial pitch to earn her Celebrity Jersey Card. 

Fellow Olympian and Maryland native Michael Phelps became the most decorated American Olympian ever, accumulating 28 medals. He also set 39 world records (individual and relay). He is truly one of the most successful athletes of all time. Phelps was spotted in the crowd supporting his Orioles to earn his Celebrity Jersey Card.

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