Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Anthony Michael Hall at Fan Expo

Anthony Michael Hall has had an amazing career. Starting 45 years ago, Hall went from being a teen actor to maturing into a well-rounded actor.

We all know Hall from his roles in the films of John Hughes. Hall showed great promise, but so do a lot of young actors. The difference is Hall grew and kept challenging himself. He joined the cast of Saturday Night Live. He started taking mor serious roles on television and the big screen. He worked hard at being a versatile actor and it paid off.

Hall also grew up without any major incidents, unlike many of his contemporaries. Hall is a real success story. He is also a very nice guy.

I forget all the great roles he had. Meeting him at Fan Expo and seeing all of this 8x10s, brought back fun memories of his many projects. I had forgotten Edward Scissorhands, one of my favorite movies. I also forgot 61, a great baseball movie. It just proves how many really interesting parts he has played and shows what an underrated career he has.

Fan Expo bought Wizard World and the comic con has not missed a beat. Any fear that the con would suffer should be gone. Fan Expo has done a great job carrying on the legacy Wizard World built.

The next event is October 20-22 in Boston, MA. Go to for more info and look here for recurring coverage.
Anthony Michael Hall, Tony and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2023.

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