Sunday, March 10, 2024

Celebrity Jersey Cards #678 Jim Kelly & Gordie Howe

Celebrity Jersey Cards is a weekly series in which I create virtual trading cards for celebrities wearing jerseys.

Jim Kelly carved a Hall of Fame career playing quarterback with the Buffalo Bills. He guided the Bills to four straight Super Bowls, but unfortunately came away with no wins. Still, his place as one of the greats cannot be denied. Kelly was honored at a Buffalo Sabres game, thus earning him a Celebrity Jersey Card.

Before there was Wayne Gretzky or Mario Lemieux, there was Gordie Howe, aka Mr. Hockey. Howe played 32 seasons in the NHL and WHA, finally retiring at 51 years old. He actually missed two seasons, when he retired, before returning to play with his sons. Fittingly, he officially retired after the Hartford Whalers joined the NHL. Howe was part of a big celebration in San Jose, when he wore a jersey of a team that came to be a decade after he retired. Either way, it's a classic Celebrity Jersey Card for Howe.

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