Monday, October 28, 2024

Friend Encounters: David Herro and David Vox Mullen

Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends meeting celebrities.

Both David Herro and David Vox Mullen are too humble to call themselves celebrities. Although I am a biased friend, I can definitely call both celebrities.

Herro is a wrestling promoter based in Wisconsin. Wrestling promoters often get a bad reputation (sometimes deserved), but I have never heard a bad work about Herro. As dedicated to his son as he is to wrestling, Herro has raised a great young man, while organizing some of the best wrestling events in the midwest or anywhere.

Vox has entertained fans in a much different, but equally successful, way. As a comedian, host, podcaster, producer or any of the other hats he wears, Vox always delivers.

Their most recent news is of a joint collaboration to create a documentary of Herro's life. Having seen a special screening at Fan Expo, I think it is going to be an amazing doc. I'd expect nothing less from these two.

Did I mention Herro has done all that despite battling losing several toes over the years? Often times, he has limped around, sometimes in a cast, but he never complains. Actually, he makes light of his situation. That's just him. 

I look forward to this doc. Check back here for my updates as they develop. 


David Herro and David Vox Mullen in Waukesha, WI-December 2023.

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