Sunday, December 1, 2024

Celebrity Jersey Cards #716 Angela Rypien & Sara F.

Celebrity Jersey Cards is a weekly series in which I create virtual trading cards for celebrities wearing jerseys.

Born in Virginia, Angela Rypien is a stylist and former quarterback in the Lingerie Football League (now Legends Football League). Despite its name, when it was lingerie football, the players took it seriously, especially Rypien, one of the top stars. Of course, being the daughter of former NFL QB Mark, that is not a surprise. Not surprisingly, Rypien wore #11 in her career and for her Celebrity Jersey Card, because her father wore it, too.
Sara F. was a running back on an all boys youth football team. Like Rypien, she played for the love of the game, even if it meant playing in skimpy uniforms in the LFL. Sara played for my beloved Bliss and still has Chicagi ties, as seen on her Celebrity Jersey Card. Not much else is known about Sara, as she has kept out of the limelight, but when she played, she was special.

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