In 1981, at old Comiskey Park, my dad and I got there early for batting practice. We were trying to get Indians outfielder Alan Bannister (former White Sox player), when Indians shortstop Jerry Dybzinski (future White Sox player) basically came right up to us. We talked for a few minutes and I snapped the picture. The previously mentioned Bannister can be seen swinging in the right background.
A couple years later on 'Photo Day' at Comiskey Park, I again ran into inadvertently Dybzinski. I was trying to get to White Sox 1st baseman Mike Squires (my all-time favorite), when Dybzinski appeared right in front of me.
Dybzinski is a friendly guy. Little did anyone know that later that year, in the playoffs, he would be involved in a play that would haunt Sox fans for years. Dybzinski got caught up on the basepaths costing the Sox an important out. It was a simple mistake, but done at the wrong time and place and magnified greatly by the playoffs.
Awesome photos!
Thanks. I love that Bannister is in the background. I have some more coming featuring White Sox and some Oakland A's.
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