I have a special soft spot for the Blackhawks of my youth. The teams were never really great, but I recall the players fondly.
One of those Hawks was Jim Pappin. Pappin came to the Hawks before the '68-69 season in a trade for Pierre Pilote. Pilote was a Hawks legend, but nearing the end of his career. Pappin played 7 very good seasons in Chicago, averaging more than 30 goals a season.
Pappin was part of the famous M.P.H. line, along with Dennis Hull and (the late) Pit Martin. This line was exciting and productive.
As usual with older hockey players, it was a pleasure to meet Pappin. He was genuinely happy to see his fans. I surprised him by mentioning that I remembered seeing him with the old California Golden Seals and the Cleveland Barons.
I just love these old hockey memories!
Hey that's a neat one. Anytime you can get someone from a famous line, that's cool. Congrats
I thought you might appreciate this one. By the way, in the background, you can see another member of that line...Dennis Hull, who I will have in a future post.
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