Fancypants is the story of Leo the Blue Lion (portrayed by Patrick Gleason), a wrestler who is nearing the end of his career. He has one true fan left, in the form of Tommy (played by Jackson Dunn). The relationship, interaction and growth of the two are at the heart of this movie. It is part comedy, part drama, part farce, part inspiration, but all very enjoyable.
We had the opportunity to talk to the cast and crew on the red carpet. Over the next several days, I will be featuring those interviews, while giving a glimpse of the fun that was had by all.
First up is Patrick Gleason. Gleason is a childhood friend of Jim Andre (Director of Photography). A resident of Maywood (near Chicago), Gleason is an ex-convict who is making his acting debut.
We talked to Gleason about how he got the role, learning to act and wrestle and other topics. Gleason was extremely gracious throughout the night. It was a real pleasure meeting and talking to him.
Tomorrow, we will feature Jackson Dunn. Until then, after you watch the video below, check out, and the Fancypants Facebook page to learn more about this exciting new movie.
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