Monday, June 25, 2012

Friendly Encounters:Adolfo Dorta Meets Todd Card

This is a weekly feature about friends who have met celebrities.

This is a unique edition of Friendly Encounters, because it features two friends who met at Days of The Dead last year, the same time and place where I met both for the first time, too.  Obviously, Days of the Dead is a happening event and it is happening again in Indianapolis on July 6-8.
Adolfo beat the odds by not only starting Days of the Dead, but making it so successful it has expanded to other cities and it keep growing.  He is a ball of energy and determination and he is also a very nice guy.
Todd is the author of Hell Cometh, a completely terrifying novel which will keep you up at night even after you have finished it.  It was the first zombie novel I have ever read.  After reading it, I was torn between never wanting to read one again and wanting to immediately read one!  It is not for the weak of heart, but it is definitely a fantastic book!  I also had the pleasure of interviewing Todd at the event.
I am really looking forward to Days of the Dead this year, but I am also excited about Days of the Dead coming to Chicago later in the year.  Johngy's Beat will be at both events, hopefully getting some new interviews from some of the great guests.
This is one great convention.  Go to to learn more about it.  Also, check out to learn more about Todd and his book.  Then, go to Days of the Dead and meet both of them...and also the Johngy's Beat crew!
Adolfo Dorta and Todd Card in Indianapolis, IN-July 2011.

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