Sunday, August 25, 2013

On the Beat with Adam Talley at Wizard World 2013

As Matt and I walked through he artist section at Wizard World, the Star Wars sketch cards of Adam Talley caught our attention.  For anything Star Wars, we had to call in our Star Wars contributor JayHawk Evans for this interview.
The Star Wars connection lead us to Talley, but we learned that he is much more than just a Star Wars artist.  He is a self-publisher of comic books for almost twenty years.  He has done four full-length graphic novels.  He has also created sketch cards of many subjects for many companies, like Upper Deck, Topps and more.
Talley does a lot of great illustrations.  One of my favorites is his Best of Hockey 2013: Leaf Sports Cards.  (Hey, where is the Blackhawks love?)  There are other cool pieces there, too, including Superman, Star Trek and many other subjects.
JayHawk got the info on the sketch cards and much more.  We learned a bit about Talley in the interview, but for more information and updates on him, please check out  How can you not check out a site called  That is awesome.

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