Saturday, September 28, 2013

On the Beat with Tom Richmond at Wizard World 2013

A lot of artists can be called "mad" artists (as can a lot of bloggers, but I digress), but only a select few can be called "Mad" Artists.  Tom Richmond is a Mad Artist and's Contributor Extraordinaire Matt Parker interviewed him at Wizard World.
Richmond had a lengthy and successful illustration career before he got Mad, but wasn't it every young boy's dream to draw for Mad?  He explains his route to Mad in the interview.
Richmond also talks about his book, Mad Art Caricature.  I have always been a fan of and been fascinated by caricatures.  Caricatures take regular artistic ability to draw, coupled with a keen eye or imagination to pull out the certain features which will be highlighted.  That ability just mystifies me.
I would really like to interview Richmond again.  I would love to ask him a lot more about his caricatures.  I think there is a wealth of fun conversation that could be had.
After you watch the video, please check out, to learn all about this Mad artist.  Be sure to also check out his book.  It is very interesting./

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