Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Saluting Resistance Pro's Positive Outreach Program

Today I am featuring a very special Resistance Pro interview.  As great of a wrestling company as R Pro is, today is not really about wrestling.  Today is about paying forward.  Today is all positive.
Last summer, R Pro's C Red talked to me about a Positive Outreach Program (POP) that he envisioned for R Pro.  I saw the passion in his eyes as he laid out his vision.
Since then, I have watched POP debut, grow and flourish, all under the leadership of C Red.  There are many more people involved and they all deserve credit, but C Red is the driving force.
I cannot express how proud I am to consider C Red a friend.  I am just as proud to be a part of POP.  I did not expect to be more than a reporter, but C Red had me speak at the first POP event and I have been contributing on some level to every event since.
Each event is different, like each school and each student is different.  Whatever POP does is always well-received by the schools.  We all have talked about the chills we get from being at these events.  As C Red says, just making a difference with one kid would make it worthwhile.  POP far exceeds that number every time.
At the end of the interview, C Red gives me some props for my participation.  I was humbled, proud and speechless (for once).  I am taking this time and space to shine the light on C Red and POP>  C Red...thank you.  I love you, friend!

1 comment:

Jean Parker said...

Great job RPro! Keep being positive for all the kids!