Monday, April 12, 2021

Friend Encounters: Chelsey Haardt and Amanda

Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebrities.

I first came across Amanda during her time in the Legends Football League. She played for the Los Angeles Temptation and the Atlanta Steam (unfortunately not my Chicago Bliss).
Amanda has been involved in sports virtually her whole life. She has been a part of the Canadian Olympic Development program. She has been a strength and fitness competitor and coach. She has done television and radio work. If I listed all of her awards and achievements, it would take me all day. What's more important though is who Amanda is.
Although I have never met her, I am happy to call her a long-distance friend. She was even kin enough to do a Johngy's Beat promo for me a few years back (now found in the left column).
Amanda is a fierce competitor. She has an amazing drive and focus, while still appearing to have so much fun along the way. Amanda is very engaging on social media. She shares tips, advice and her life experiences. Amanda's pages are a regular stop on my social media circuit.
She is also one of the most positive people you will ever see. Did I mention she is also funny and highly entertaining?
When Amanda posted a Throwback picture with former teammate Chelsey Haardt, I jumped at the chance to do a Friend Encounters featuring Amanda. Like Amanda, Chelsey is an accomplished athlete, who has also been a pro football player in the LFL, as well as a coach and fitness expert on her own and for various companies. It would be hard to find another picture with two more finely tuned women athletes.
Some day I hope to meet Amanda. She's on my people bucket list. Until then, I'll keep following her exploits online.
I encourage everyone to follow Amanda at @AmandaBolic on twitter and Amanda Ruller on Instagram. Also, if you're in the Calgary area, look for Amanda at sporting events and on television. She's everywhere!
Chelsey Haardt and Amanda in Seattle, WA-May 2015.

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