Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Val Venis at Blizzard Brawl 2021

"Hello ladies..." and gentlemen. I channeled Val Venis for that opening.
Venis was one of the more popular characters in the WWE when it was in the Attitude Era. A porn star who wrestled was an interesting concept, but Val made it work.
Venis is mostly retired, although he makes convention appearances, where he is still one of the most popular. He looks great, although he isn't wearing his trademark towel (fortunately).
A couple years ago, Venis was one of the wrestling guests at Great Lakes Championship Wrestling's  Blizzard Brawl. .This year, Blizzard Brawl is December 2 in Waukesha, Wisconsin. I don't know if Venis will be there this year, but either way, there will be more than 20 wrestling legends and stars. The guest list hasn't been fully announced yet. I will provide updates as things develop.
Go to GLCWWrestling.com for updates and news. Check back here for my updates.
Val Venis and me in Waukesha, WI-December 2021.

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