Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Gene Okerlund Wasn't Really Mean

There is debate over who first called Gene Okerlund "Mean Gene." While it is not the most clever moniker, it stuck, no matter who first coined the name.
I first saw Okerlund as a backstage interviewer on WWF television in the mid-80s. At the time, I did not know of his lengthy career prior to that. He actually started back in 1970. He had a great run in the midwest's American Wrestling Association. When Vince McMahon took the WWF nationwide, he gobbled up talent from all other companies, including Okerlund.
I had the pleasure of meeting him several times. He even did a promo for my site, which is in the left column. Even funnier were the outtakes, but I could not make those public. There was nothing bad, just some stories and language better left to my memories. He was quite a character.
He passed away four years ago today, but his legacy is forever. Mean Gene was one of a kine.
Gene Okerlund and me in Schaumburg, IL-November 2018.

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