Monday, January 1, 2024

Friend Encounters: Lisa Marie Varon and Glen and Alicia Rylko

Friend Encounters is a weekly series featuring friends who have met celebrities.

I have featured my pal Glen many times. A longtime pal from conventions and wrestling, Glen passed away a few years ago and I miss him. I use this to keep his memory alive.

Glen, his wife Alicia and son Patrick were always very kind to me. We caught up at various events, but Glen and I would often text each other our complaints, laughs or just checkups. He really was a great guy.

I saw him and Alicia take many pictures with celebrities. One of the last ones was with former wrestler and Chicagoan Lisa Marie Varon. Glen and I had similar favorites and Lisa was definitely one of our favorites.

These pictures are always bittersweet. I miss my pal, but I remember so many fun times. Rest in Peace, Glen.

Glen, Lisa Marie Varon and Alicia in Rosemont, IL-August 2019.

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