Earlier this week, I went "On the Beat" interviewing Jenna Becerra, former Stanford softball player, now a media member. That interview is at On the Beat With Jenna Becerra on the Johngy's Beat YouTube channel.
Jenna was a four year starter on the softball field at Stanford. A versatile player, she appeared in the outfield, infield and even on the mound. She was also a switch-hitter. Jenna continued being versatile as she moved into the media field. She has been a reporter, writer, broadcaster, analyst and more. She currently does color commentary and play-by-play for the Pac-12.
In 2020, She started Bleav in Softball, her podcast on the Bleav Network. After 122 episodes, Jenna is still going strong. It is a regular stop on my podcast circuit. Knowledgeable and enthusiastic, Jenna is a great host, guiding her interview subjects through fascinating softball discussions. I'm a bit envious of her impressive guest list, but I am proud to have interviewed several of her guests, too.
Go to bleav.com for all episodes of Bleav in Softball. Also, check out the rest of the offerings. Lastly, please subscribe to the Johngy's Beat YouTube channel to see all of my interviews.
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