Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Talking Travel with Hilary Bradt

My latest interview guest on Talking Travel on Global Traveler is Hilary Bradt, co-founder of Bradt Guides, a fantastic source of travel information. Bradt graciously gave an informative interview from her home in England.

In our interview, Bradt talked about her life and career. The topics went from the fun of her accidentally starting her travel guides to the serious honor of her being appointed Member of the Order of the British Empire. The 82-year-old Bradt is a class act and a major contributor to the travel and tourism industry. It was an honor simply speaking to her.

A big lover of Madagascar, Bradt also mentioned other spots she loves. She explained how Bradt Guides focus on lesser-known locations, because the famous ones are covered enough. Self-effacing Bradt downplays her business sense, but 50+ years and many Bradt Guides indicate otherwise.

Look for the interview video and recap on Global Traveler at Talking Travel with Hilary Bradt. Also, please subscribe to the Global Traveler YouTube channel for all sorts of interesting travel content (and to help my job security LOL).

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