Thursday, June 6, 2024

Finally Met Ron Kittle Again

Many years ago, before the era of selfies, I met former Chicago White Sox player Ron Kittle. When my buddy took a picture of me with Kittle, I had no way of knowing his finger blocked the lens, ruining the picture, until I had it developed the next day. A missed opportunity thanks to my clumsy friend.

Somehow in the many years since, I have never seen Kittle at any convention. That changed at the recent book release event for Last Comiskey. As I mentioned in a previous post, Kittle, Jack McDowell and Donn Pall were the three Sox players there and I set out to get a picture with each.

I accomplished this with a little help from my author friend George Castle. In all honesty, I probably could have accomplished this on my own, but George made it a lot easier by introducing me to Kittle and Pall.

Although he was being pulled in many directions, Kittle stopped when George approached him. He graciously gave me the picture, with a George photobomb. This time, there was no finger obscuring the picture.

Last Comiskey is a must for any White Sox fan, especially older folks who remember and enjoyed the grand old ballpark. Full of pictures, quotes and stories from former players and staffers, Last Comiskey delves into the last season of the ballpark and other Sox history. I highly recommend it.

George Castle, Ron Kittle and me in Chicago, IL-May 2024.

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