Monday, January 30, 2012

Friendly Encounters:Beck Meets R2D2

This is a regular feature about friends who have met celebrities.

I met artist Beck Seashols at Wizard World in Ohio.  I call Beck an "artist", although she has described herself as a "doodler, storyteller and dork".  The truth is that she is an artist and a storyteller and an illustrater and an author and a lot more.  She might be also be a dork, but if you have been a regular reader of Johngy's Beat, you'd put me in that category, too!
I reconnected with Beck and asked her for an update.  In her own words...

As far as what's new for me... I'm still working on promoting my webcomic "Sweeten Village" written by my writing partner Brad Duncan and drawn by me. (
I'm making more crocheted Star Wars characters (stuffies) and continuing to take commissions and draw whatever my little heart desires. I've started making "Paper Pins" and bookmarks featuring fan art in my adorkably cute style and am hoping to start working a bit more on Licensed worked too.

Beck agreed to share her picture with R2D2 here.  According to Beck, he is her favorite celebrity she has met yet.  How could I argue with that?  He did star in a few of the most famous, most successful movies of all time afterall!
To see all of Beck's great work, go to and her Facebook page.  You can even follow her on twitter.  Also, check out Beck's newest project (with Brad Duncan) at!

Beck Seashols and R2D2-Summer 2009.

1 comment:

Beckadoodles said...

thanks again, John! Hopefully we'll see each other soon at another con!