This is a recurring series which attempts to combine my lifelong passion of trading cards with my semi-professional interest in celebrities. The Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. salutes the champions.
Eric St. Vaughn has been wrestling for a bit over a year. In that time, he has garnered quite a fan following. Chants of "ESV" are often among the loudest at R Pro events. I predict R Pro will debut a midcard title sometime in the near future. I also believe ESV will hold that title at some point in 2014. For his Celebrity Jersey Card, ESV is paying homage to WWE's Kane, by wearing the jersey backwards. Hey, I am not about to criticize him for that. He can wear his jersey any way he wants.
Robert Anthony has earned everything he has gotten in R Pro, including the heavyweight title he currently owns. "The Ego" is one of the most popular R Pro wrestlers and, like ESV, you can often hear thunderous "Ego" chants during his matches. Anthony proudly boasts that the arena is "the house that Ego built" and I cannot argue with that claim. I do take umbrage with him holding a channel 7 mic (even though it makes for an interesting Celebrity Jersey Card). If he does any reporting work, it should be for
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