Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kevin Nash and Old Friends Invade Resistance Pro Wrestling

Resistance Pro Wrestling recently held their second anniversary show called "Caress of Steel" at Amundsen High School in Chicago.  This was a fantastic show on so many levels, not the least of which for me was having a bunch of my friends in attendance for the first time.
Louie brought Peter, Christopher and Andrew, Andrew brought Steve, Jason brought himself and Jodie brought Danny and her friend and her kid.  All of them were seeing their first R Pro show and all of them really enjoyed the night and will be returning.
This wouldn't be a JohngysBeat.com post if I did not highlight one picture...
Wow.  That is a lot of Johngy in the front row.  Thanks to Mike Vinikour for capturing this scene.
I was really amped about the night.  The R Pro show alone would have been fun.  Celebrating their second anniversary added to the fun.  Television cameras jacked it higher.  All of these made it exciting, but my friends made it really personally memorable.
Kevin Nash is an excellent choice to represent the night.  Nash is a future Hall of Famer.  I can't say Kevin and I are friends, but we go back about 12 years and we are certainly friendly.  I am sure if the night was a bit less crazy, I would have gotten another interview with the big guy.
Interview or not, the night was fantastic.  It was the kind of night where you don't sleep even when you are dead-tired and in bed.  I have had many of these nights with R Pro.  Now, I have had a night like this with my friends at R Pro.
Andrew Agos, Jason Fleigel, Louie Atsaves, Kevin Nash, me and Matt Parker in Chicago, IL-November 2013.


Jean Parker said...

Got to love the Johngy shirts!!

Evil Zebra said...

I gotta agree with Jean.....

I know I love my Johngy Shirt!!

Take it,