The AMC film crews were not the only ones doing any video recording. As usual, grabbed a few stars of RPro for some interviews.
The Slobberknockers were making their return to the ring, after such an emotional debut a couple months ago. We also got them for a return interview. Despite the best efforts of a few joker wrestlers, the Slobberknockers held their composure throughout (most) of the interview.
Special Correspondent Jonathan McMahon interviewed Referee Mario Scruggs and I interviewed Referee Drew Thomas. These were our first interviews with both of these refs.
After months of trying, I finally got to interview Musical Director Sheri Shaw. Shaw is usually a whirlwind of activity, but we got her right before her day began.
We also spoke to Matt Knicks. The Marvelous One discussed his recent attitude change and his split from former partner "Big C" Chris Castro.
Lasty, in a short video presentation, we gave Eric St. Vaughn a trophy commemorating his 40,000 YouTube Views for one of our previous interviews. It was the first interview we have done (and only one so far) to have reached that mighty milestone.
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