Sunday, May 10, 2015

Celebrity Jersey Cards #220 Alanis Morrisette & Vince Gill

Athletes get trading cards.  Why not celebrities?  At least celebrities wearing athletic jerseys should get cards.  I am doing my best to create cards for jersey-clad celebs.  Today we have musicians representing teams ousted from the NHL playoffs.

Alanis Morrisette was born in Ottawa, Canada and is shown repping her home town Ottawa Senators on her Celebrity Jersey Card.  I think the #10 represents something to her, as opposed to honoring her favorite #10, since nobody really stands out in the history of the Senators.  I also had to warp time a bit, since the Sens did not exist when this hockey card series was issued.
Born in Oklahoma, Vince Gill gained fame in Nashville.  Since there is no team in Oklahoma, adopting his business town's Predators is completely acceptable.  Like with Morrisette, I had to warp time, since the Preds were not around when this Celebrity Jersey Card would have been issued.

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