Sunday, October 16, 2016

Celebrity Jersey Cards #295 Debbie Gibson & Jimy Sohns

This is a regular series which attempts to combine my lifelong passion for trading cards with my semi-professional interest in celebrities.  We continue riding the Cubs wave.

The 80's pop sensation Debbie Gibson hails from Brooklyn, New York.  Having recently met her, she is just as cute now as then.  I could even forgive her if she had a New York allegiance.  Fortunately, at least as far as this Celebrity Jersey Card goes, she was a Cubs fan.  This might make even a diehard Sox fan think of splitting his loyalty!
Chicago-area musician Jimy Sohns rose to fame with The Shadows of Knight.  It is always cool (or at least easier on the ears) to see musicians, especially local ones, sing during the 7th inning stretch.  It's also cool to have locals on their team's Celebrity Jersey Card!

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