Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Steve Burton at REWind Con 2016

REWind Con 2016 brought in the "Boys of Port Chuck," which meant some of the studs of the daytime show General Hospital.  I knew this would be a major hit with the young ladies, but I didn't realize how popular they would be with male fans, too.  They all drew long lines of fans (male and female).
I haven't watched GH in a long while, but I wanted to meet a couple I knew from my biewing days.  Steve Burton was one of those.
Burton played Jason Morgan (Quartermaine).  Morgan "died" a few times, disappeared, lost his memory, joined the mob and had most of the usual daytime drama usual experiences. He left and returned to GH a few times, too.  Along the way, he developed quite a large following.
After his last GH departure, he joined the cast of The Young and Restless.  It was just announced that he was leaving Y&R and the rumors of his return to GH immediately started.  When I had my chance to talk briefly to Burton, he would not confirm that rumor, but my guess is that you will eventually see him back in Port Charles.
Burton was really cool with each of his fans.  Every time I saw him, he was taking two pictures with each fan.  For the guys, it usually was one straight and one "tough" picture.  For the ladies, it seemed like one regular and one "huggy" picture.  He made all of his fans happy!
He would make even more fans happy if he did return to GH.  Until then, you can check to see if he will be appearing at any of their events in 2017.
Steve Burton and me in Bloomingdale, IL-November 2016.

1 comment:

Jean Parker said...

Wow ... I love that old Jason ... his replacement on GH just isn't the same ... I guess time will tell if he comes back to GH!!