Thursday, March 2, 2017

Prefrontal Scortex at the Windy City Rollers 2017 Juanna Rumbel Cup

Aren't roller derby referees like pro wrestling referees, in that they are part of the act?  Actually, the refs in roller derby are legitimate officials.  They watch the action, enforce the rules, call penalties and keep the action within the official rules of roller derby.
I still get asked if roller derby is real or scripted like pro wrestling.  The truth is that roller derby has been both, but the Windy City Rollers and leagues like the WCR, are a legitimate sports league.  Aside from colorful names, the rest of what happens is highly competitive sports, played by skilled, trained and dedicated athletes.
Prefrontal Scortex is one such colorful name and it belongs to one of the referees of the WCR.  Like the athletes, he spends most of the night working hard on the track.  He enforces the rules, makes the calls and keeps the game flowing.  Especially in a fast-paced sport like roller derby, his role is very important to the fans.  There is so much happening on the track.  Prefrontal Scortex and his fellow refs have their hands full.  They keep the game on track (no pun intended), while not getting in the way of the action or becoming part of the game.
Thank you to the Windy City Rollers for their hospitality.  I'll be reporting on the WCR all season, but you can also follow them at, the WCR Facebook page and the WCR on twitter.
Prefrontal Scortex and me in Chicago, IL-February 2017.

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