JP Roth's bio is what caught me as I planned my Wizard World interviews. She describes herself as an "author, artist--wild child extraordinaire." The "wild child-extraordinaire" is one thing that amused me.
She debuted n 2012 as a self-published author. Since then, she has become a favorite on the convention scene. She is known for sticking close to actual lore, while weaving in her stories. Her mythology major certainly comes into play in her story-writing.
I love one quote of hers in particular. When discussing her work, she states, “They’re not comics, they are Rothic Novels." That's one way to separate yourself from the pack and I cannot argue with her statement.
Whether they are comics, "Rothic novels," graphic novels or anything else, they are definitely successful. She is one busy person at the conventions.
Head over to for more info on this talented artist and "wild child extraordinaire!" You can also follow Rothic Novels on Facebook and JP Roth on twitter.
JP Roth and me in Rosemont, IL-August 2016.
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