Thursday, March 14, 2019

AJ Lee at C2E2 2017

C2E2 is coming March 22-24 and I can't wait. While I look forward to this year's Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo, I am recalling some of the fun from my many years at the event.
AJ lee had a relatively short career in the WWE, but her 6+ year stint was very memorable. She won the Divas title 3 times. Perhaps more important, she led the women's revolution. She rallied against the inequalities between the sexes in wrestling. Part storyline and part real, Lee spoke out against WWE owner Vince McMahon.
Lee also was vocal in her disdain for "divas." At the time, Lee was one of the best mixes of talent and beauty. If titles were won strictly on talent, Lee would have been a champ longer. Her stance, ability and personality made her very popular with the fans.
Lee ultimately left the WWE and wrestling shortly after her husband CM Punk left. By all reports, they are living happily in Chicago.
Both have made a few appearances and I have met both a few times. Granted my interactions with both have been in a comic con setting, but each went above and beyond to make the experience as special as could be within the limitations present at such events.
Go to for more info and an updated guest list. You can also follow C2E2 on Facebook for more frequent updates.
AJ Lee and me in Chicago, IL-April 2017.

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