Friday, December 17, 2021

On the Beat With K Lynn Smith at C2E2 2021

My C2E2 post-event coverage brings me to K Lynn Smith,who I finally interviewed. Although I have been a fan of her work, this was our first interview. I have wanted to get an interview for a long time, but the usual chaos of cons prevented that. Our interview can be found at On the Beat With K Lynn Smith at C2E2 2021.
It's funny what stands out in a hall filled with creators. For me with K Lynn, it was her snarling self-caricature that caught my eye. Once drawn to her booth, I fell in love with her other artwork, too.
In addition to her amazing art, she also published the For Goodness' Sake series. She describes it as swearing, bad jokes and struggling (recommended for ages 15 and up). The three concepts come together to make a highly entertaining read. I can relate to all three of those concepts.
K Lynn has other cool art and book creations as well as a few new ones coming soon. One of her latest though is a special one to me.
Earlier this year, I asked her about doing her version of the Johngy character. She very graciously agreed to put her talents into a special version. The result is so cool. I very much appreciate and LOVE it!
Follow K Lynn at Also, check for info and news on C2E2 2022.

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