Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Terry Huddleston At Motor City Comic Con

Terry Huddleston was one of the first artists I ever started to follow, after meeting him at Motor City Comic Con more than a decade ago. Terry's wall of superhero art caught my eye.
Although I was new to the comic con scene, I already learned Aquaman was vastly under-represented by all. When I saw Terry's art, I asked about Aquaman, thinking I'd get the same negative answer as several artists already gave me. Terry isn't your average artist though. He quickly pulled out one of his Aquaman works and I immediately bought it. 
MCCC returns to Novi November 10-12. Go to for more info and follow MCCC on Facebook for more frequent updates. Also, check out Terry's great work at
Terry Huddleston and me in Novi, MI-May 2017.

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