Thursday, April 20, 2023

Happy Birthday, Jean!

Today I celebrate the birthday of my sister Jean. I am sure she will be celebrating in Florida, but I send her wishes from chilly Chicago.
I can't believe my sister is a grandmother. It seems just yesterday we were fighting over something silly as kids. Of course at the time, I had no idea how the future would play out and how awesome she was and is.
At least as an adult, I appreciate al that she is. She's a great mom, grandmother, sister and friend. I am so lucky to have her in my life. As I have previously written, my sisters are my rocks. I love them dearly.
I love the picture below of Jean and her oldest granddaughter Delaney. Though they may be a bit too young now, I wonder if Delaney and her younger brother Teddy will battle like Jean and I did. My advice to both youngsters is to realize how special your sibling is right away.
Both my sisters will be back in the area soon and I look forward to a sibling lunch. For now though, I hope Jean has a fantastic birthday. I love you!
 Jean and Delaney in Orlando, FL-February 2023.


Jean Parker said...

Looking forward to a sibling lunch. Love you ... Jean

Anonymous said...

Happy late birthday