Celebrity Jersey Cards is a weekly series in which I create virtual trading cards for celebrities wearing jerseys. Today, I continue wandering alphabetically through all MLB teams.
Born in New York and raised in Massachusetts, Jay Leno has carved a legendary career in the entertainment business. In 1977, he first appeared on The Tonight Show, a show he would later host. Leno has tossed out many jokes in his career, but it took a ceremonial pitch toss to get him a Celebrity Jersey Card. As faithful readers know, Leno has also been the subject of The Jay Leno Club, an exclusive group of celebrities who tell me I resemble the entertainer.
Born in Shaker Heights, Ohio, Chris Rose rose to fame as a sportcaster and television host. The Best Damn Sports Show Period was his first big gig and he has gone on to many more successful projects. Rose donned his home area Indians jersey and cap for his appearance onfield, thus earning a Celebrity Jersey Card.
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