Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Austin and Colten Gunn at Blizzard Brawl 2021

Blizzard Brawl returns Saturday, December 2. Great Lake Championship Wrestling's biggest event of the year is not one to miss.
The day starts at 4:30 with a big meet and greet featuring 20+ wrestling legends, stars and up-and-comers. It continues with a full night of wrestling matches.
While it's cool meeting the legends and current stars, it is also a great opportunity to meet youngsters before they hit it big. Such was the case when I met Austin and Colten Gunn a couple years back.
Sons of Billy, the second generation Gunns are now on the bigger stage at All Elite Wrestling. They have been part of big angles and are doing very well there. It's a good bet if they are at a convention now, their line would be much longer and their price price much higher.
The Gunn brothers aren't the only stars on the rise I met at Blizzard Brawl. Over the years, I have met quite a few young wrestlers who have gone on to bigger things. That list includes HollyHood Haley J and Leila Gray, both of whom have appeared in AEW.
This year, the legends include John "The Berzerker" Nord, who I will be happy to finally meet. It will also include some youngins, who one day might be on the bigger stage elsewhere. That is the beauty of Blizzard Brawl.
Check for more info and scheduling. Also, check back here for my recurring coverage.
Austin and Colten Gunn and me in Waukesha, WI-December 2021.

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